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Archive for the ‘Team building’ Category

Why Human Connection at Work Matters More Than Ever

Posted by Liz McKechnie

We live in a world where technology is moving faster than ever, and paradoxically, this means human connection matters more than ever.

Humans are inherently social beings and thrive when working in groups. We often struggle in isolation, and loneliness is increasingly recognized as a significant mental health issue. While remote work, AI, and automation have simplified many aspects of our lives, they have also contributed to a sense of disconnection, especially post-COVID. The days of spontaneous chats by the coffee machine seem to be fading away.

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The importance of shared responsibility and autonomy in the system for teams

Posted by Ian Guyah-Low

Shared responsibility through having autonomy in the system has led the England rugby team to the brink of a quarter-final place, winning three consecutive matches in the process.

The Rugby World Cup 2023 has descended on France, all eyes at home and abroad were fixated on the England team, their World Cup opener versus the Argentinian Pumas.

Saturday, 9th September, played at the State Velodrome, Marseille, 63,118 in attendance was the perfect backdrop to tighten the screw on an England team that had lost six of its previous nine matches. To put this in perspective, England had lost five of their last six.

Many, were baying for blood, the media eyeing its prey ready to inject its venomous bite into an English jugular. Read more

Zooming out – how Systems Thinking can help individual and team development

Posted by Jessica Sedler


I see a sunflower.


A single sunflower.




I see the striking and familiar yellow of the petals. I see the thick stalk of a stem and the way it angles its large dark head towards the east. I see this one flower in all its glorious detail.


I zoom out.



I see a whole field of sunflowers. I take in the other sunflowers in the field; the earth in which they were seeded; the sky above them; the potential for sustenance and the risks to their growth. I see the whole ecosystem of which our single sunflower is a part.


Individual growth


At Aspire Leadership we train individuals in leadership and communication skills. And this works. It leaves individuals more aware, more skilled and more confident to go out and demonstrate effective leadership behaviours with their teams and in their workplaces.

Sometimes, the whole field is a factor in the individual’s continued growth. Individual effectiveness is important. But what happens when we send the sunflower back to its ecosystem? Might its growth and its ability to apply its new skills be limited and if so, what can we do about that?

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