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Archive for the ‘EDI’ Category

Why am I writing a Black History Month blog AFTER Black History Month?

Posted by Alexander Mushore

Over the years, my relationship with Black History Month has evolved. My most significant engagement with it came during university, shortly after the London riots of 2011. Fast forward to the riots in 2024, and it’s clear that not a huge deal has changed. For me, this month has become an opportunity to learn, connect, celebrate, and recognise the invaluable contributions of Black individuals to society. From inventors to medics, artists to entrepreneurs, there’s a wealth of achievements that are often overlooked but have shaped the world we live in today.


So, why am I writing a blog on Black History Month now? I believe the lessons and conversations sparked by Black History Month should extend beyond the month itself, encouraging a year-round celebration of differences. It’s through continued action and understanding that we can begin to prevent the unrest we’ve seen and work together towards a more inclusive future.

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Why focus on Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion?

Posted by Pradeep Jeyaratnam-Joyner

“Why focus on Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion?” is one of the most important questions we ask our clients.

For anyone who has to spend any time taking care of children, it can be exasperating how often they can ask the simple question…


“Why can’t I stay up late?”

“Why is there war?”

“Why don’t caterpillars have shoes?”

“Why can’t I open my Easter Eggs by cracking them on my sister’s head?”


If “Why?” is the most troubling question, then the most troubling answer is just one word.


That’s it. No more explanation. It just is. And because it just is, no more explanation is required.


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Diversity – How can we be truly inclusive?

Posted by Sam Hernandez Garcia

After the last 2 years we have lived through as a society, it is fair to say we might all be emotionally scarred in some way or another. Our sense of self has taken a toll, we are recalibrating priorities, detangling what has shaped us, who we are, where we really want to be and where do we belong. Belonging, as the social tribes we are, is the glue that binds us together.

But how can we foster belonging as individuals and as extended microcosmos of society (i.e. organisations)?

When considering diversity – how can we be truly inclusive?

How can we be active allies and move the needle from simple passive bystanding?

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