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Archive for the ‘Personal Brand’ Category

New Year (Not-So-New) Elevated Me: The Art of Personal Branding

Posted by Alexander Mushore

To exist in the world, we all need to decide how we show up and what we would like our impact to be. Today it’s even harder, with multiple social media streams, automated systems and AI platforms creating a new-age pressure to prove our unique value at a rate we’ve never had to before. If we don’t decide, people will and often do make their own assumptions… but to whose advantage?

How do you decide and how can you maximise your decisions to YOUR advantage whilst cultivating lasting alignment and confidence?

Enter Personal Branding!

A powerful tool to not only share our unique value to the World but also have ownership of our narrative. Whilst the concept may seem strange (seeing yourself as a brand), it’s what we do naturally do, all the time!

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3 Tips to Become a More Confident & Engaging Presenter 

Posted by Annemarie Estess

When I was 8 years old I gave my first speech to an audience of 300+ schoolmates.

It was terrifying, and I’m pretty sure I rushed my way through it to get it over with.

So in the decades since I’ve done all sorts of things to become more confident as a presenter.

  • Asked friends and colleagues to watch me speak and give feedback
  • Taken courses in presentation skills and pubic speaking
  • Watched TED Talks and tried to adopt their techniques

Each of these has helped me build confidence and skill and cultivate my own style.

But if I had to begin again, this is the guidance I wish I’d had when learning to present ideas in a clear, connected and engaging way…


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Tending to personal brand in uncertain times

Posted by Lucy Timmons

As part of any leadership journey it is becoming clear that time spent tending to our authentic personal brand is increasingly important in these uncertain times.

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