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Archive for the ‘Influencing’ Category

Why am I writing a Black History Month blog AFTER Black History Month?

Posted by Alexander Mushore

Over the years, my relationship with Black History Month has evolved. My most significant engagement with it came during university, shortly after the London riots of 2011. Fast forward to the riots in 2024, and it’s clear that not a huge deal has changed. For me, this month has become an opportunity to learn, connect, celebrate, and recognise the invaluable contributions of Black individuals to society. From inventors to medics, artists to entrepreneurs, there’s a wealth of achievements that are often overlooked but have shaped the world we live in today.


So, why am I writing a blog on Black History Month now? I believe the lessons and conversations sparked by Black History Month should extend beyond the month itself, encouraging a year-round celebration of differences. It’s through continued action and understanding that we can begin to prevent the unrest we’ve seen and work together towards a more inclusive future.

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Making New Year’s resolutions about relationships and people, not things

Posted by Jessica Sedler

This year I want to focus my New Year’s resolutions on relationships and people, not things.

Yes – January is in full swing. How are the new year’s resolutions going? Did you make any?

I did. I vowed to attempt less screen time, especially before bed. I now keep my phone downstairs and read my Christmas present novel under the duvet, with a smug smile on my face. Fairly easy to tick off. And it’s this sort of stuff we decide to set goals for ourselves about isn’t it?


I want to lose a stone
I want to start running
I want to drink more water
I want to drink less wine…

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Minding the Email Gap – Seven Tips

Posted by Jessica Sedler

How often do you use Email to communicate?

Ever got stuck in a less than constructive way of communicating?

Ever found the dynamic very hard to shift?

Alongside my work with Aspire, I co-run a theatre company with 3 women. We write, produce and perform political cabaret shows. I have worked with these wonderful women for 7 years and let’s just say, we know each other very well.

Sometimes we say/do/write things to each other that are reactive, unthinking and occasionally damaging. That’s right. Even a communications skills trainer.

However, we recently changed one vital aspect of the way we communicate which has hugely improved the efficacy and ease of our day to day working relationships…

Our emails. Read more