Want to make fabulous presentations that are clearer and more compelling for non-technical audiences?
Here’s 1 unexpected skill that can help…
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Want to make fabulous presentations that are clearer and more compelling for non-technical audiences?
Here’s 1 unexpected skill that can help…
When Google managers observed 180 of their teams they were shocked to learn that psychological safety was a key determinant of success. Google’s Project Aristotle shone the spotlight on the importance that psychological safety brings to an organisation. This proved more significant a factor than the collective background, experience or education of the team members!
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This year I want to focus my New Year’s resolutions on relationships and people, not things.
Yes – January is in full swing. How are the new year’s resolutions going? Did you make any?
I did. I vowed to attempt less screen time, especially before bed. I now keep my phone downstairs and read my Christmas present novel under the duvet, with a smug smile on my face. Fairly easy to tick off. And it’s this sort of stuff we decide to set goals for ourselves about isn’t it?
I want to lose a stone
I want to start running
I want to drink more water
I want to drink less wine…