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Archive for the ‘Leadership’ Category

Why am I writing a Black History Month blog AFTER Black History Month?

Posted by Alexander Mushore

Over the years, my relationship with Black History Month has evolved. My most significant engagement with it came during university, shortly after the London riots of 2011. Fast forward to the riots in 2024, and it’s clear that not a huge deal has changed. For me, this month has become an opportunity to learn, connect, celebrate, and recognise the invaluable contributions of Black individuals to society. From inventors to medics, artists to entrepreneurs, there’s a wealth of achievements that are often overlooked but have shaped the world we live in today.


So, why am I writing a blog on Black History Month now? I believe the lessons and conversations sparked by Black History Month should extend beyond the month itself, encouraging a year-round celebration of differences. It’s through continued action and understanding that we can begin to prevent the unrest we’ve seen and work together towards a more inclusive future.

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Developing People Beyond Their Role

Posted by Andrew Macklin

Developing people beyond their roles is about helping them to thrive. It means thinking beyond our day-to-day tasks and job titles, towards the parts of our work where personal meaning and a greater sense of fulfilment reside. It’s the nexus where individual career development, high performance and an organisations vision blend into one.

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The importance of shared responsibility and autonomy in the system for teams

Posted by Ian Guyah-Low

Shared responsibility through having autonomy in the system has led the England rugby team to the brink of a quarter-final place, winning three consecutive matches in the process.

The Rugby World Cup 2023 has descended on France, all eyes at home and abroad were fixated on the England team, their World Cup opener versus the Argentinian Pumas.

Saturday, 9th September, played at the State Velodrome, Marseille, 63,118 in attendance was the perfect backdrop to tighten the screw on an England team that had lost six of its previous nine matches. To put this in perspective, England had lost five of their last six.

Many, were baying for blood, the media eyeing its prey ready to inject its venomous bite into an English jugular. Read more