For more experienced leaders you may be interested in our new three-day senior leadership public course  to elevate your skills and take a deep dive into Core, Culture, & Community

A Two-Day Leadership Training Course

We want to help you to be the best leader you can be.

Our two day leadership development training course is designed for people wanting to develop their full leadership potential to the best level that is possible. You are already successful in your career and interested in progressing further with a Leadership style that is authentic and fits with who you are.

We explore fundamental questions such as:

What does it mean to be a leader?
Where are you going?
Why should people follow you?


Our target delegates are already managers and looking to step up to Leadership. (For those wanting more of the practical tools and techniques for managing people, we recommend our hugely popular Line Management Programme).

Day One of our Leadership Training Course focuses on you as a leader, your vision and your personal leadership style. We explore the Aspire 5 Powers Model for effective leadership.

On Day Two we introduce tools and techniques for influencing as a leader, exploring ways to motivate and inspire others. You are encouraged to grow and develop your network and spheres of influence.

We will explore situational leadership, introducing tools and techniques to help you to develop strategies for success.

We’re happy to offer follow on coaching, or to suggest other training programmes that can help you to develop further after the programme.

Our Strategic Planning public course often runs the day after our Leadership Programme. Book both for a truly inspiring Leadership journey.

Leadership Learning Outcomes

As a result of attending the best two day leadership training course you will:

  • Have a clear idea of what leadership means, to you and others
  • Understand the Aspire 5 Powers of Leadership model and how to apply it
  • Appreciate your own leadership style, qualities and strengths
  • Understand the need for flexibility in leadership and how to achieve it
  • Know how to define and communicate an inspiring vision
  • Understand how to use your leadership skills to influence, motivate, inspire and challenge others
  • Know how to network and influence those around you to achieve your vision

Depending on the needs of the participants we will run exercises around

  • Defining Leadership
  • The Aspire 5 Powers Model
  • Your Leadership Role and Vision
  • Different Leadership Styles
  • You as the best Leader you can be
  • Transformational and Transactional Leadership
  • Leadership Behaviours
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Situational leadership
  • Influencing and Motivating others
  • Networking Theory
  • Spheres of Influence
  • Your Personal Leadership Challenge