When I think about networking and building connections it reminds me of what happened when I recently posted online about an exciting development at work. I was surprised and delighted by the extent of the likes and positive comments I received. Now I know there are mighty algorithms doing their thing here, but it definitely delivered a little dose of dopamine and got me thinking about the people who had interacted with my post, some from many, many years and jobs ago!
These are people not just quietly sitting in my contacts list; they actively interacted with my content, albeit mostly with a simple click on the like button. They are people in my network doing similar things with multiple other contacts, on a massive scale, sending content, energy and messages along tiny invisible communication networks. It’s similar to how we know trees communicate.
Aspire Leadership is a corporate partner with the wonderful National Forest Company, the organisation responsible for leading the creation of the National Forest, a new wooded landscape in the Midlands. For obvious reasons it is our pleasure to support them.