A story should have a beginning, a middle, and an end – but not necessarily in that order.

So says Jean-Luc Godard. And he’s good at telling stories.

In the many Presentation Skills courses that we have run over the years I have met some great people with huge knowledge and enthusiasm for their work.

There are other equally interesting people who come with a doom laden sense that their subject is very dry and boring to any sentient being. Of course if they believe that to be the case then they will undoubtedly be proved right by the audience reaction.


So time and time again I find myself asking:

What’s the point?


For anyone about to make a presentation or a pitch this is the single most important question you must ask yourself before you begin. If you don’t know the answer then to be honest I wouldn’t bother to go ahead.


Once you know, then you’re off…. Read more