Line Management is one of our most popular courses, and that’s unsurprising when you consider that most people don’t really get taught how to be a manager. They learn how to do their job, whatever that may be, perhaps they get really brilliant at it, and then they get a promotion and are told they are a manager now. Great. Now what?
We spoke to our trainers to collect some words of wisdom from their, when combined, over a century of experience line managing and facilitating line management courses. Here are their top tips for being a great line manager.
A great line manager seeks and works towards balance. Using their awareness of their individual strengths, that of their team members and where it fits into wider goals, they collaborate, hand over the reigns or take a lead when they need to, for the good of all the working parts!
A great line manager can create time for people. Time to listen and demonstrate real care, without the need to solve every problem for their team member. Perhaps they even enable that team member to find the answer themselves. Not easy to do. But it will make them unforgettable!
Your people have incredible talents.
Being a manager is giving space for your people’s incredible talents – let them sing!
Here’s a video demonstrating just that:
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I think a great line manager is not only someone who knows the strengths of their team, but someone who can help their team to see their own strengths and to use them to become more productive and satisfied in their work. Hope that makes some kind of sense.
It’s important to stay humble. To be clear about where your strengths and responsibilities lie but to also understand the strengths of your team and ask them for their expertise and perspective, stepping back so they have space to grow, learn and shine.
The ability to step back when needed. To allow perspective, think things through, connect to the bigger picture and to see where you are really needed.
My favourite quip/phrase is “the manager brings the weather”.
When delegates realise this, they appreciate the role is about creating a better atmosphere and environment in which everyone can thrive.
A willingness to talk with team members about their longer-term career paths and help them actively think about their growth.
If this has got your mouth watering for more, have a look at our Line Management public course here.