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Archive for January, 2024

New Year (Not-So-New) Elevated Me: The Art of Personal Branding

Posted by Alexander Mushore

To exist in the world, we all need to decide how we show up and what we would like our impact to be. Today it’s even harder, with multiple social media streams, automated systems and AI platforms creating a new-age pressure to prove our unique value at a rate we’ve never had to before. If we don’t decide, people will and often do make their own assumptions… but to whose advantage?

How do you decide and how can you maximise your decisions to YOUR advantage whilst cultivating lasting alignment and confidence?

Enter Personal Branding!

A powerful tool to not only share our unique value to the World but also have ownership of our narrative. Whilst the concept may seem strange (seeing yourself as a brand), it’s what we do naturally do, all the time!

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Strategic Planning: A Journey Beyond Jargon

Posted by Matteo Trevisan

Have you ever felt like strategic planning sounds like a jumble of buzzwords and confusing acronyms? Let’s demystify that today and take a journey beyond jargon.

At its heart, strategic planning is about two deceptively simple yet profound ideas: seeing the world more clearly and understanding what matters most.

Straightforward right? Yet so much grows from these concepts.

A goal without a plan is just a wish.

– Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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Presentations – how do I stop feeling nervous?

Posted by Marcus Aitken

So… how do I stop feeling nervous?

…the quick answer is –  I can’t just stop feeling nervous. So, a more useful question might be, do we want to get rid of nerves altogether?

I’m sure we can all recall a moment when we have had to stand up in front of a room of people, whether for a work presentation or maybe for a wedding speech. The hairs on our arms raise up, our heart is in our throat, our breathing rate goes for a jog….the list goes on.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could stop all of this and make our lives easier? If we did achieve that, then what might that speaker look like?..it could be… very robotic.

This is something that often comes up during our presentation skills course which I for one always encourage a conversation around. As trainers, the way we like to think about it is, that we don’t/can’t get rid of nerves, but what we can train ourselves to do is to help control them.

So how do we do this? This is where the advice can get very individual but here are a few of the key changes to consider:
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