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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Who’s leading your life? Uncovering limiting beliefs

Posted by Liz McKechnie

When we ask you who’s leading your life, what we mean is – it’s worth being aware of who and what influences you in your life and work.


There’s nothing wrong with allowing someone to sway our opinions and behaviour as long as we are happy with the impact and outcome.


Sometimes, however, there are people we spend a lot of time and effort trying to please, impress, or even infuriate, which means our decisions are based on trying to provoke a reaction in someone else.


And that means we’re giving that person power over what we do and sometimes how we feel. Actually, what we’re doing is handing over the reins and allowing them to lead our life for us.

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Developing People Beyond Their Role

Posted by Andrew Macklin

Developing people beyond their roles is about helping them to thrive. It means thinking beyond our day-to-day tasks and job titles, towards the parts of our work where personal meaning and a greater sense of fulfilment reside. It’s the nexus where individual career development, high performance and an organisations vision blend into one.

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This Way Forward: B-Corps, Letting Your Values Lead the Way

Posted by Kitty Bertenshaw

At Aspire we focus on letting our values lead the way – our guiding light through any change.

March is B-Corp month, and last October, we were overjoyed to be awarded B-Corp status after a lot of hard work and gruelling questionnaires… For those who may not know, certified B-Corps are businesses which put people and planet before profit. At Aspire, we have always endeavoured to do just that, so when we learned more about B-Corp certification, we couldn’t wait to apply. We looked at what we did already that aligned with B-Corp principles and used those as our path through the process.

We managed to get our B-Corp rating after enacting very little change in our practices.

Sometimes though, change is required in order to move forward, so how do you do that without losing sight of who you are at your core?

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