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Stretching our imaginations for strategic planning

Any vision for a strategic plan starts with a simple thought and that thought is born out of our imagination. It’s easy to think of strategic planning as a process driven activity but without imagination we have nothing to plan.

At Aspire we often come together to focus on stretching our imaginations for creative strategic planning.

Here are a couple of examples of how we do it:

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Tending to personal brand in uncertain times

As part of any leadership journey it is becoming clear that time spent tending to our authentic personal brand is increasingly important in these uncertain times.

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Turn Your Strengths Into Your Superpower

When you invest in developing your strengths, you highlight your unique DNA which helps to set you apart from the crowd and turn your strengths into your superpower. Using your strengths has been shown to be a proven way to achieve success.

People who use their strengths report feeling more engaged in their work, show increased performance and productivity, feel more resilient and have improved communication.

Additionally, organisations find that they are more likely to retain staff when they cultivate a strengths-based culture in their teams.

So how do we harness them?

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