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Archive for June, 2011

Bridging the Gender Gap – One woman’s story

Posted by Bronia Szczygiel

I was having lunch with friends recently. Elizabeth is a successful woman engineer in her late sixties. She has run her own company for many years, having worked for the MoD, Ferranti and other big engineering companies.

We got to talking about the work we do at Aspire Leadership with women in general and engineers in particular. Elizabeth and I have never seen quite eye to eye on this subject so it was a lively discussion.

The way any individual woman tackles her journey through the engineering field varies. Some steadily challenge the status quo, some quietly establish a reputation and others confidently blaze a trail. There are many different paths and who’s to say which is best for any individual?

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Are you predator or prey? How to raise your personal impact when facing senior colleagues or the board

Posted by Liz McKechnie

What happens when you are in the hotspot and facing senior colleagues or the Board?

Do you quail and tremble before the eagle eyed stare of your superiors or do you hold your own and inspire respect and admiration?

If you’re not having the personal impact you want how can you raise your game?

Remember, there’s always another point of view and it’s worth asking yourself what’s going on for those eagles…

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