Do the people in your organisation manifest behaviours that match your ideal cultural vision?

When it comes to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI), many organisations struggle to make rhetoric a reality.

It’s difficult to translate values and a desire for inclusion into actions that change how organisations run and have a recognisable impact on the experience of the workforce.

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Training

This equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) training course is designed for D&I working parties, Senior Leaders, or any groups who want to come together and bridge the gap between good intentions and a  tangible way forward for the business.

The equality, diversity and inclusion workshop will challenge participants while creating an atmosphere of reflection and psychological safety that will suit all learning styles.

The aim is to create a platform for further work within the organisation and create long-lasting and sustainable change.


At Aspire Leadership we’ve found that to build truly successful work on D&I, training workshops for stakeholders are only one part of a wider “Roadmap” to inclusion.

As a result, all our training is designed to fit into a wider roadmap rather than being simply a sticking plaster solution.

As a certified B Corp, social justice and EDI are vital keystones of our organisation which is why we’ve built this EDI roadmap into our bespoke in-house training.

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Learning Outcomes

As a result of attending this Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) programme you will:

  • Build your understanding of key areas around diversity and inclusion
  • Understand the culture of your organisation and how it links to values
  • Understand the fundamental ideas around Unconscious Bias and how it can impact individual and organisational performance
  • Learn how to handle words or attitudes that display unconscious bias without the fear of creating unnecessary conflict
  • Gain confidence in your own ability to create an inclusive working environment
  • Practice techniques to build on those successes and collaborate in a diverse organisation
  • Develop an understanding of how to recognise your biases and counteract any negative impacts of them
  • Build ownership of a Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan
  • Develop skills in handling further EDI conversations within your organisation

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Courses

If you are interested in exploring different aspects and/or levels in EDI (equality, diversity and inclusion) training for your staff we can tailor a course to suit your requirements as an organisation and as individuals. Do contact us for more details.

Here are some of the equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) training courses we can offer:


What else do we cover in the EDI course?

Our EDI training can help at every stage of the journey on the EDI Roadmap:

Vision for the future

At Aspire we work with Leaders who are passionate about creating a culture where everyone feels included, where everyone can be their best, and people have a positive experience of working in the organisation.

Understanding the culture, you want to create within your organisation, and the impact you want your organisation to have on the community is crucial to understanding why Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) may be important to your organisation and the individuals leading any initiative.

We can facilitate a conversation around what you want to be as an organisation. Building on elements of our leadership [LINK] and strategic planning programmes [LINK], the aim of the session is to bring key stakeholders together to agree shared outcomes and commit to a plan.


Our EDI training to helps leaders to identify their organisational culture, assess culture gaps, scope issues, and examine the makeup of the workforce.

Questions we may ask:

  • Does the makeup of your workforce reflect the clients or customers we serve or the public at large?
  • Is that the case at all levels of the organisation?
  • Do certain roles tend to attract particular demographics of people?
  • Does everyone feel included in the organisation?
  • What do your people surveys or exit interviews say?
  • When looking at retention are there patterns in who stays and leaves?
  • Are all voices truly heard within the organisation?
  • Does your organisation reward (either formally or informally) the behaviours that reflect your values?
  • Is your workplace a comfortable place for all groups?

Facilitated discussion

Our philosophy is that each individual has to take a leadership role for themselves and decide how they want to operate in the world, rather than for us to tell them what they should or shouldn’t do or say.

Groups are encouraged to share their stories, explore biases, and recognise norms as distinct from stereotypes.

There may be differences between the behaviours of those who constitute the dominant social group (by which we mean the ones at the top of the tree, not necessarily the majority), and those in the non-dominant social group.

An awareness of what the differences are and the impact they have is the first step in trying to change things.

EDI training sessions are designed to build understanding, air issues, and build ownership.

Planning an EDI Initiative

EDI training at this stage is designed to give leaders the tools and behaviours to design further change initiatives, commit to individual actions, build momentum and establish accountability.

Depending on the needs of the participants we may run exercises focusing on:

  • The Gold Watch – What You Leave Behind
  • Values
  • Organisational Culture
  • Key definitions – UK Protected Characteristics, Equality, Equity, Inclusion, Diversity, Justice, Belonging and Intersectionality.
  • The Gap between values and behaviour
  • Inclusive and exclusive behaviour including micro-aggressions
  • Workplace Norms
  • Unconscious Biases
  • Our stories
  • Challenging behaviour constructively
  • The 3 S’s on an Inclusive Workplace
  • Creating psychological safety
  • The Aspire EDI Fire Triangle (See video below)
  • Creating behavioural change
  • Decision-making and action planning around EDI initiatives