Our courses are delivered face-to-face or live online. Please check the dates below.

A One Day Training Course for Women

There is wealth of evidence that mixed management teams are more profitable and work better. And yet women are still very much in the minority in management roles. Part of the answer lies in developing the confidence and skills of talented women so they are prepared to step up to management and leadership positions.


This one day programme is designed for women in, or aspiring to, management or leadership positions who are interested in progressing further in an authentic way that fits with who they are.

Although we tailor our programmes to the specific needs of the delegates on the day, we’ve put together a course that addresses some of the issues women commonly face including:

  • Establishing authority with reluctant subordinates
  • Being seen as aggressive when trying to be assertive
  • Lacking confidence in their leadership abilities
  • Feeling they’re going to be found out!
  • Not being heard in meetings or conversations
  • Being seen as more junior than male counterparts

We know that particular leadership or management styles tend to suit some women better than others, so we will cover those during the programme.

Women Drivers Learning Outcomes

As a result of attending this programme you will:

  • Understand how gender impacts on leadership and management styles
  • Build confidence in your ability as a manager and leader
  • Develop a style that suits you and is authentic
  • Set reasonable expectations for your own performance and other peoples
  • Understand how to use authority without being overly pushy (or aggressive)
  • Be able to sell your personal brand in a way that suits your personal style
  • Recognise your own success and other people’s in an appropriate way
  • Understand how to get out of your own way!

Here are some of the exercises we will cover on the programme:

  • Dealing with Gender Differences
  • Different Styles of Management
  • Leading like a Woman
  • Transformational vs Transactional
  • A Coaching Approach
  • Limiting Beliefs
  • Measuring Success
  • Influencing, Persuading and Motivating
  • Giving Feedback Assertively
  • Acknowledging Success
  • Speaking Out