Bristol-Myers Squibb
Around the world, Bristol Myers-Squibb medicines help millions of people in their fight against such diseases as cancer, cardiovascular disease, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, HIV/AIDS and, rheumatoid arthritis.
Their BioPharma strategy uniquely combines the reach and resources of a major pharma company with the entrepreneurial spirit and agility of a successful biotech company.
With this ethos of agility in mind, over the last few years we have worked with small groups in the organisation and facilitated large conferences.
We have worked throughout Europe delivering in Italian and in French as well as in the UK covering Negotiation, Influencing, Personal Impact and Communication Skills for leaders.
Currently, we are delighted to be running a regular onboarding programme for BMS which invites an international audience to the UK. We make the sessions as practical and interactive as possible, which brings to life, in practical ways, the mission and messages of the organisation across the globe.
We look forward to another year of successful collaboration with this innovative client.