Andrew has a passion for helping people bring out the best of themselves in work and life. He brings an engaging, practical and empowering style into the training room where the focus is on understanding workplace dynamics and building upon personal strengths.

He is an ICF accredited coach with additional accreditations in group coaching and positive psychology in coaching. He is undertaking postgraduate study in career management, counselling and coaching at Birkbeck University, London. As a trainer he has worked extensively in the areas of leadership, team building and communication skills in the public sector with the British army and senior leadership teams in the educational settings across the UK.

He is a qualified domestic violence prevention trainer and advocate for creating workplace cultures of equality and respect. Over the last decade has developed and delivered hundreds of domestic violence and sexual harassment prevention trainings across the public and private sector working with students, educators, social workers, lawyers and leaders to build healthier workplace cultures by preventing harassment and abuse.

Andrew has been heavily involved in the creative sector both as an educator, performer and career coach. He trained as an actor at the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School and has worked as a visiting lecturer at the Central School of Speech and Drama in London. As a careers practitioner he runs delivering professional level career support to the creative sector.

What Andrew is currently reading:

The Four Disciplines of Execution by Chris McChesney, Jim Huling and Sean Covey. A practical and pragmatic roadmap for engaging frontline teams towards ‘wildly important goals’ that drive overall performance. The simplest approaches are often the best and this book offers a multitude of ‘winnable’ approaches to complex professional games.