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Archive for January, 2017

The brain as a prediction machine – Leadership part 2

Posted by Matteo Trevisan

In Part one of this Leadership blog I outlined how we actually see with our brains rather than simply with our eyes. So how does that work?

Look up at the sky.

What do you see? If you live in the U.K. there is a good chance your answer is…

Clouds… Lots and lots of clouds.

And if you look a little harder, you might distinguish the outline of a dog, or a fish, or your favourite leader. Our ability to constantly make predictions about the world around us is most obvious when it comes to the visual system. What are the implications of this when it comes to leadership? Read more

Emotional Contagion: Baby it’s cold outside…

Posted by Jessica Sedler

So it’s January – what’s that got to do with emotional contagion?


We’ve made it through the first week, hurray! But with a cold snap being forecast and blue Monday approaching, how will you stay warm? Physically and emotionally? And what can we actively do about it?


Well, we turn on the heating for our shivering muscles. We crank it up. Our cold bones get warmer; we feel better.


So what would happen if we did that with our internal radiators too? To emit warmth for others and in turn, for ourselves?

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