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Archive for September, 2016

Presenting – The Physics of Engaging Presentations

Posted by Matteo Trevisan

When I talk about presenting nowadays a strong image often comes floating back from my past life as a teacher.

Standing close to a large ruler… a look of serious concentration on my face… goggles safely on… arm outstretched… holding tightly onto an elastic band. I have a volunteer gradually add weights…

50 grams! 100 grams! 150 grams!

As each mass was added the elastic stretched and the new length was entered as a data point by another student. The results were plotted instantly and projected on the wall.

The mass kept increasing…    1.1 Kilos! 1.2 kilos!

The students can see the line on the graph behind me is levelling off. They know what is about to happen but they can’t know when…

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Sheep and Sleep – 4 Tips for Nerves in the Night

Posted by Bronia Szczygiel

About ten years ago our local Sports Club persuaded me to help them raise funds by taking on Anne Robinson’s role in their version of the Weakest Link.

It seemed like a good idea at the time – what could possibly go wrong?

For three sleepless nights before the actual performance the thing that kept going through my mind was:

Why on earth did I think this was a good idea????

So when the night terrors strike before a presentation or performance of any sort, what can you do?

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